Configuring your data

Our platform is fully automated and works out-of-the-box. We provide additional ways to configure your data for more advanced metrics and filters: 

  • Exclude repositories: You can exclude specific repositories from your data and metrics. From the Repositories tab in your organization’s settings, hover over a repository and click Manage
  • Exclude bots: We automatically identify bots (e.g. Dependabot), but you can also mark users as bot accounts so they are excluded from user counts and certain company wide metrics. You can do so from the Git Users tab in your organization’s settings. 
  • Configure deployments: We automatically detect how you deploy each repository when possible, but you can also manually assign specific workflows as production deployments for each repository. 
  • Set fiscal year-end: Configuring your company’s fiscal year-end helps align your engineering team’s reporting with the rest of the business. 
  • Customize labor costs: Labor costs help you understand the financial impact of changes to development performance over time.
  • Create groups: Groups allow you to organize Git users, so you can filter your data and set up objectives for specific groups of users.

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