Okta Single Sign-On

When you connect Okta with Software.com, you can automatically create user accounts in your organization on Software.com. Our platform supports OpenID Connect (OIDC) and SP-initiated SSO via Okta.  

Setting up Okta SSO with Software.com is a two step process. First, add the Software.com Analytics application to your Okta account. Next, configure your Okta settings in your organization’s settings on Software.com.

First, install the Software Analytics app in Okta: 

  1. Log in to Okta as an Administrator. 
  2. In your end-user dashboard, choose Applications then click Browse App Catalog.
  3. In the Search for an Application field, search "Software Analytics". Click Add next to Software Analytics Okta-Verified OIDC.
  4. Return to the General Settings. You can add a name for the new application, such as “Software Analytics".
  5. Use the option Assign to People to grant users access to your Software.com organization.

Next, configure Okta for your Software.com organization: 

  1. If you haven't already, sign up for a Software.com account and create an organization. Please note that the Okta integration is only available on our Pro plan.
  2. On the Okta admin page, click on the Software.com Analytics application and navigate to the Sign On tab. Copy the values of Issuer, Client ID, and Client Secret
  3. Return to your organization on Software.com and go to Settings. Navigate to Connected apps and select Set up SSO
  4. Paste the Issuer, Client ID, and Client Secret (from step two) and click Save.
  5. Click Activate to validate the connection is successful. You will be prompted to authenticate this configuration with your Okta account

Once you complete these steps, all organization members will be required to log in through Okta to access Software.com, including the administrator that set up Okta.

Removing Okta SSO

After activating Okta SSO, you will see the enabled connection and an option to remove it on the settings page for your organization on Software.com.

If you remove SSO from your organization, all SSO users will lose login access to Software.com. Any SSO users currently logged in will have their session expire within 8 hours.

You can add Okta SSO back at any time.

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