Code Time

Code time captures any period of activity (e.g. editing, browsing, reading code) in your editor or IDE. 

Code time starts when you focus your editor and ends after 15 minutes of inactivity. Activity includes actions you take in your code editor, such as typing, focusing your editor, opening and closing files, and switching projects.

For example, if you’re writing code, but pause to visit Stack Overflow, and return to writing code within 15 minutes, the entire elapsed time will count toward your code time. If, however, you’re writing code, but stop to conduct research for an hour, and return to writing code, the time spent researching will not count toward your code time.

Active code time is time you spend actively editing code in your editor or IDE. It captures periods of intense focus and flow.

Active code time begins incrementing when you start typing and ends if you allow more than 10 minutes to elapse without typing. If you are inactive for more than 10 minutes, your active code time will stop at your last minute of typing.

For example, if you’re writing code, but pause to think about your next line of code, and return to writing code within a few minutes the entire time elapsed will count toward your active code time. If you need to quickly check GitLens for code changes or review another function in your codebase, that will also be counted toward your active code time. If you need to quickly leave your editor to conduct research or visit Stack Overflow, and return to writing code within 10 minutes, the time spent outside the editor will also count toward your active code time.

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